
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات magic. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات magic. إظهار كافة الرسائل

Liber Noctulius

There is an extremely powerful demonic metagod with four known aspects: Lucifer, Amaymon, Noctulius, and Sythrakor.
Noctulius is an earth-based god of the night attributed to Venus and the Moon who hails from the Void.
Noctulius is a fatherly and didactic spirit who presides over darksome sorcery.
He is kind, but he is also harsh.
If you fail him, he will discipline you.
Many spirits answer Liber Azerate.
This short e-grimoire is dedicated to the demonic prince Noctulius, his emissaries, and related intelligences.
Liber Noctulius contains a praxis of alchemical transformation including rituals, sex magick, blood-activated alchemy sigils, magickal hymns, and more.
The text also contains workings of aeonic sorcery/macroscopic alchemy, protection, portal construction, dream travel, chakra devourment, exorcism, destruction magick, and necromancy.
Liber Noctulius 66241711
Liber Noctulius 1014
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Liber Azerate: The Book of Wrathful Chaos

Liber Azerate

The Book of Wrathful Chaos 

Liber Azerate provides insight magic system that is eclectic in that it brings together and create a synthesis between the dark traditions that their shapes are quite different, but whose inner secret essence perfectly correspond with each other.

the Acausal planet by according to the anti-cosmic impulse true will transmute old stagnant forms new potent weapon in the battle for the future eon.

These spiritual, philosophical and magical shapes are just tools and external tools used within the Order to focus, channel and excite the Acausal essence is the chaos that is beyond all causal forms. 

non-dynamic "satanism"Download is free
Liber Azerate: The Book of Wrathful Chaos